20 Gross Things You’ll Inevitably Encounter While Living In A Dorm (2)

15. Toilets that need to be flushed.

Most often, these are in the ladies’ room.  Girls are ten times more disgusting than boys when it comes to leaving the restroom in the grossest condition possible.

14. Bits of Ramen Noodles in the sink drain.

They put up signs telling you not to pour food in the sinks, but of course, people do it anyway.

13. Hair and dust.  Everywhere.

You’ll never know how much hair and other fuzzy crap accumulates on the floors until you go into the girl’s hallway in your dorm.

12. Vomit.

Puddle of vomit on the elevator floor?  Just another day in paradise.

11. Couples having sex.

I mean, good for you guys, but keep it down, okay?

10. People who haven’t showered in weeks.

You never forget that smell.


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