20 Reasons Why Instagram Has Become More Like Girls Gone Wild

Instagram started out as a new form of social media in which people could post fun pictures of themselves with friends or maybe a picture of their cute poodle, but haven’t you noticed that lately it seems as though it has become an outlet for girls to post nasty pictures? Here are the reasons and feelings from both sides:

20. It is easier now to show your wild side.


19. Mean Girls taught us that looking scary doesn’t really work out, so wearing a little, sexy costume seems like the way to go. So of course, those pictures get posted.

18. For some reason, girls still think the “duck face” is cute. No, just stop while you’re ahead.

Image result for girls duck face

17. Once these girls get a single “like” or heart on their picture, it is IMMEDIATELY:

…and then they post more.

16. By posting nasty pictures, they may get the reaction they were looking for and decide:

15. But, you just want to tell them!:

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