20 Things Radford University Students Would Understand (4)

4) Don’t tell people you have a car. – I think this applies to any college campus, but if you do have a car on campus try to let a small amount of people know, or just close friends. If a bunch of people find out you have a car they will only want to be cool with you to get a ride.

3)We have “social gatherings” during Quest. – Quest is orientation and I’ve heard that a few students got a taste of the social gatherings before the school year started.

2) There are creepers in the bushes. Walk in a lighted area at night.

We all had the meeting with the RUPD that told us to stay in the lighted areas because there are “creepers” in the bushes. Walk where someone can see you.

1) We don’t have parties…we have “social gatherings.” – Radford has a reputation of being a party school and if you’re a student that participated in Quest then you met with the police officers about the parties. In their words, “We have social gatherings to unwind and relax” maybe before exams or just for fun. We don’t have parties.

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Straight Outta Radford

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