20 Things That Put The Zona Into Arizona (Con’t)

11U of A Con­fes­sions / U of A Make­outs / U of A Hotties

If you’re bored and online, check out U of A Con­fes­sions or U of A Make­outs on face­book and U of A Hot­ties on twit­ter. You can eas­ily spend hours laugh­ing at the absurd posts from Con­fes­sions and see­ing your friends hook up with peo­ple on Make­outs. Hot­ties was recently launched over the sum­mer and quickly reached 1,000 fol­low­ers in just a cou­ple weeks, show­cas­ing all of Zona’s hottest girls.



We all know the best part about foot­ball sea­son are the tail­gates. Ari­zona tail­gates are always a good time, usu­ally the fra­ter­ni­ties on greek row will have some­thing going on, and then alumni set up camp on the mall with their RV’s, ready to day-rage until game time. Par­ents week­end is prob­a­bly one of the more fun week­ends to tail­gate because who doesn’t like get­ting smashed with mom and dad?


13. Pizook­ies, D-Hop and Sliders

Soror­i­ties and their phil­an­thropies are unreal fun. But the most fun by far are hosted by Pi Beta Phi, Delta Delta Delta, and Sigma Kappa. Pi Phi’s pizook­ies are an essen­tial, Tri Delt’s d-hop pan­cakes are deli­cious, and Sigma’s steak slid­ers are always on point. Going late at night is a great mid­night snack and plus all the money goes to char­ity. All of the soror­i­ties have the equa­tion fig­ured out decently well. Pretty girls + good food = Happy people.


14. Our Women

We have the hottest girls in the coun­try as you can see HERE. No con­test, hands down. Ari­zona soror­ity girls are con­stant smokeshows, and even the girls not in greek life are irre­sistable. The only school that might even come close to con­test­ing is FSU. Luck­ily for guys, it’s sunny and 85 every­day in Ari­zona, and the phrase “sun’s out, buns out” may come to mind daily.


15. Bas­ket­ball

If you go to Ari­zona you’re an auto­matic bas­ket­ball fan. Our team is lights out and home games are nuts. If you’re going to the game through Zon­a­Zoo, there’s such high demand for tick­ets that you need to reserve them a week before the game online. Mckale is a great place to watch a bas­ket­ball game and the white out game looks won­der­ful. Going to at least one game while you’re a stu­dent here is a must-do. Being 1997 national cham­pi­ons, Arizona’s bas­ket­ball team is con­sis­tently top ranked, and has sent count­less num­bers of play­ers to the NBA.


16. Spring Break

We all know how crazy Spring Break can get. Fly to Cabo San Lucas, Mex­ico in mid-March and you’ll find a large por­tion of the Ari­zona stu­dent body there for an entire week. Mean­while, if you choose to stay in the USA, go to Lake Havasu or even San Diego, that’s where the rest of the stu­dents are. From booze-cruises to Mango Deck dur­ing the day, and all of the clubs at night, It’s prob­a­bly the most fun week of vaca­tion­ing every col­lege kid needs to expe­ri­ence at least once in their life, while also being absolute tor­ture to your liver.


17. Dirt­bags

Dirt­bags is what makes Tuc­son, Tuc­son. Going to this bar on a week­end is unlim­ited amounts of fun, and being next to greek row, it’s always packed late at night. Usu­ally with a line at the door to get in, com­ing to this bar is a part of young-adulthood in Tucson.


18. The Dirty-T  

While you’re in Tuc­son, you’ll prob­a­bly hate the city itself. With the excep­tion of the Catalina foothills, Tuc­son is noth­ing spe­cial. There’s a rea­son we refer to it as the Dirty. But when you’re gone home for sum­mer or win­ter vaca­tions, Tuc­son is par­adise. U of A’s cam­pus itself is gor­geous and one of the nicest around, while at the same time Tuc­son could use some work (espe­cially the roads). Regard­less, Tuc­son could be a con­tender for a top col­lege town in land of the free. School’s in major cities don’t have the lux­ury of being in a town that has col­lec­tive school spirit and gath­er­ing around events on cam­pus.         


19. Mount Lemmon          

At some point dur­ing your col­lege career in Tuc­son, every Wild­cat need to hike Mount Lem­mon. Over­look­ing the entire city of Tuc­son, Lem­mon is some­what of an escape from the 100+ degree sum­mer heat. Ris­ing over 9,000 feet in ele­va­tion, Lemmon’s hikes and even ski­ing can give you plenty to do and see. In addi­tion, it’s always nice to get away from the flat desert brown.


20. Bear­Down

If you have to ask, then you don’t know. Arizona’s long last­ing bat­tle cry and phrase came about in 1926 from John Salmon. At the time Salmon was stu­dent body pres­i­dent, var­sity quar­ter­back, as well the catcher on the base­ball team. Return­ing from a game in north Tuc­son, Salmon was involved in a seri­ous car acci­dent. While in crit­i­cal con­di­tion in his hos­pi­tal bed, coach Pop Mckale asked Salmon what he wanted Mckale to tell the team. Accord­ing to leg­end, Salmons dying words were “Tell them, tell the team to Bear­Down.” Thus the slo­gan was born. You’ll find alumni and stu­dents alike say­ing “Bear­Down” to each other any­time they’re out of Tuc­son. Also being the fight song of the school, you’ll hear “Bear­Down Ari­zona” after every home foot­ball touch­down (Played by the Spirit of Ari­zona March­ing Band) as well as at noon every­day from the stu­dent union.

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Pride of Ari­zona** March­ing Band

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