20 Ways You Know You Go to Michigan

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1. You carry with you an internal rage towards anything from Ohio.

2. You felt personally complimented when Obama called Zingermans reuben “killer”

3. You hear the name Slippery Rock and automatically start cheering.

4. Going to the 2nd floor of the ugli is more of a scene than a saturday night out

5. You would never dare step on the M in the diag…and even watching someone else come close gives you anxiety.

6. If you lived on North campus, you are more than aware of the hell that is the vomit comet and may have even been lucky enough to witness it in action.

7. You know the ref room is the wrong place to clear your throat

8. Your heart breaks when you come to the realization that No Thai does not exist outside of Michigan.

9. When the snow melts with a week left of school you can barely recognize the campus without it.

10. Saturday morning tailgates are the best nights of the week.

11. You are often greeted by the eyes of overly friendly, obese squirrels, waiting to be fed.

12. You know the weather is good if the guy with the harmonica and the washboard is out playing.

13. Vodka is your winter jacket and the sentence, “I need to take another shot, its cold outside” makes perfect sense to you.

14. You are not shocked by the cloud of smoke above the crowded diag on Hash Bash, or by the line at jimmy johns afterwards.

15. You know the best nights involves STRTPH, (Skeeps then Ricks then Pizza House).

16. You have been hungover inside of Mason Hall.

17. You know when you’re having a bad day, you can always get a free hug in the diag.

18. You would never turn down a chocolate chip cookie from the dining hall.

19. You go to the ugli to “study” during finals solely for the purpose of petting dogs.

20. You cannot wait for welcome week because it is the best week out of the year, even though you probably won’t remember it.


Skeeps then Ricks then Pizza House* Not “than”

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