20 Ways To Prepare For Little 500

We’ve reached that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen. It’s Little 500 here at Indiana University. You’ve jammed all of your studying, completed your homework and saved your sick days for what us Hoosiers like to call the greatest college week ever. If you aren’t sure what Little 500 is, then I’ll fill you in: Our campus of 40,000+ students celebrate a pretty normal bike race. Sororities compete first, and then the Fraternities. It’s acceptable to drink until  you pass out and start up right when you wake up. The week is filled with darties, beer pong, classes being cancelled, walk of shames, hangovers, and of course the Little 500 concert which featured Big Sean this year. So how do you prepare for this week, knowing you may or may not get alcohol poisoning? I’m here to tell you.

20.) Finish your homework and studying early.

19.) Start meeting new friends so you have multiple options throughout the week of crazy things to do.

18.) Order your Little 500 tickets to the race and concert. You won’t regret it.

17.) Get your alcohol tolerance up as soon as possible.

16.) SAVE MONEY. Bars are expensive, alcohol is expensive, everything is expensive.

15.)  Sleep as much as you can, since you won’t be getting much at all.

14.) If you aren’t from Bloomington or don’t attend IU. Plan to make a trip down.

13.) Work out. So you don’t feel like shit after the Steak and Shake, McDonald’s , Taco bell, Pizza X and all of the drinking.

12.) Stop using a chaser. You literally don’t have time for that.

11.) If you’re a female, break out the heels and make sure you CAN walk and dance in them so you aren’t THAT girl.

10.) Know that GRAND PRIX sucks, PURDUE sucks, and we are better.

9.) Watch Breaking Away if  you haven’t. It’s a movie about little 500.

8.) Do not drink and drive. Have a ride ready before hand.

7.) Buy your alcohol early for Sunday. Since you can’t buy it on Sunday.

6.) Call off work. You won’t make it in or you’ll get sent home.

5.) Make sure you have Advil and Gatorade. HANGOVERS ARE REAL.

4.) Park in visitor lots, or places you will not get towed. THEY TOW ALL DAY LONG. It’s also can be up to 170 to pick up your car. Cash.

3.) Make sure you’re staying hydrated.. you do not want alcohol poisoning

2.) Make sure you’re eating.. you’re body will become weak and you won’t be able to enjoy the week.




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