8 Ways To Eat Relatively Healthily In The Dining Hall 2

4. Remember that old food pyramid.

For a meal that’s going to fill you up without dropping a calorie bomb in your stomach, you want a meal that’s got lots of fruits and veggies, some protein, a little bit of carbs, and a very little amount of the fats and oils that are at the top of the pyramid.  Keep that pyramid in mind when you’re hitting the buffet.

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Photo Credit: Tumblr

3. Get some color on your plate.

A colorful plate is a sure sign that you’re getting a variety of nutrients.  In fact, the more color the better, since you want mostly fruits and veggies.  Bread, pizza, pasta, and carbs are all pretty similar in color, so you don’t want a lot of that in front of you.

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Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. Steer clear of fried fare whenever you can.

That might be the hardest thing, since fried food is so readily available at every meal.  Put it on your plate very sparingly.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

1. Drink water instead of soda or juice.

Soda is pure sugar, which is awful for your teeth and that’s not even mentioning all the empty calories.  Somehow, people think juice is supposed to be healthier, but most of it’s all sugar, too.  Drink water.  Exclusively water.  You’ll feel so much better.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

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