21 Types of Students You’ll Meet At Le Moyne College (2)

14) The annoying room down the hall who will never turn their music off or stop screaming, even if it is 3 in the morning annoying-neighbours-413) The girls that make everyone else jealoustumblr_maeob6Nipk1rrrdvi12) The guys who always do the full body scan of you with their eyes when you walk into the dining hallz09VD11) The girls who never miss a Thirsty Thursdaytumblr_li7xuclIFd1qbszu110) The athletes who travel in packs-14846a202458cfe69) The annoying teachers who will email you four times a day for no good reason14320801334188) The guys who are notorious for getting with girls and never talking to them again275f577881328b5bd8fe06b688ca9a95.jpg


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