The 5 Dragon Ball Z Characters You Meet in College

The 5 Dragon Ball Z Characters You Meet in College
You meet all types of people in college but certain people remind you of fictional characters. Here are 5 Dragon Ball Z characters you come across.

When you go to college, you meet an influx of new people from all walks of life. You meet people in your dorm, your classes, and parties. There’s the book worm, the jock, the funny guy…the list goes on. Everyone has their own story to share, and it’s always cool meeting new people. But every once in a while, as random as this sounds, you meet someone who reminds you of characters from your favorite childhood shows.

Here are 5 Dragon Ball Z characters you come across in college:

5.) Goku

The Goku seems to have it all, how could such an exemplary human being even exist you wonder? Well, evolution is a give and take, and although this guy is a star athlete and insanely popular, he wont be making the deans list anytime soon. One other notable feature of the Goku is his need to fight anyone he perceives as more powerful than him. Who knows if he is insecure or if he just feels the need to prove to himself he is the most powerful of all, but this guy likes to fight.






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