These 17 Cartoon Inspired Drinks Will Make You Reminisce Until You Black Out

17.) The Porcelain Warrior & Mushu (Mulan) Ingredients: Porcelain Warrior Cherry Sake Lychee Syrup Mango Vodka Mushu Absolut Peppar Sriracha Pepper Depending on where you live the ingredients for the Mushu will more than likely


These 17 Mysterious Natural Drugs Put Your Wildest Trip To Shame

17.) Pythia Gases If you are familiar with Ancient Greece, you may have heard of the Oracle of Delphi. Another name the oracle went by was Pythia, and she was said to inhale the gases


These 17 Mysterious Natural Drugs Put Your Wildest Trip To Shame (2)

13.) Ibogaine Ibogaine is the product of the the root bark of an African shrub called Tabernanthe iboga. The drug is used ceremoniously by the Bwiti Tribe to induce shamanic experiences. The drug can be likened


These 17 Mysterious Natural Drugs Put Your Wildest Trip To Shame (3)

9.) Calea zacatechichi This plant produces less of a day high and more of a “holy fuck what did that dream mean” kind of high. Users typically drink a tea made of the plant while simultaneously


These 17 Mysterious Natural Drugs Put Your Wildest Trip To Shame (4)

5.) Amanata Muscaria Amanata Muscaria are one of the few “magic mushrooms” in which psilocybin is not the active ingredient. Instead Muscarine is thought to be the chemical that illicits the hallucinogenic effect. The trip can apparently be


Bet You Didn’t Know These 17 Facts About Virgins

17.) The Average Person Loses Their Virginity At Age 17 According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the average age an American man or woman loses their virginity seems to be 17.1. 16.)


Bet You Didn’t Know These 17 Facts About Virgins (2)

13.) Not All Animals Have a Hymen Not all animals have a hymen, but many mammals, including chimpanzees, elephants, manatees, whales, and horses do. 12.) It Used To Be Common Practice To Save Bloody Bed


Bet You Didn’t Know These 17 Facts About Virgins (3)

8.) Roman Priestesses, Known As “Vestal Virgins” Were Buried Alive If They Had Sex In the 7th century B.C. the vestal virgins ensured that the Roman sacred fire did not go out. They devoted their


Bet You Didn’t Know These 17 Facts About Virgins (4)

4.) It Is (Unfortunately) A Widely Believed Myth That Sex With A Virgin Can Cure HIV The “virgin cleansing myth” is the belief that having sex with a virgin can cure someone of HIV/AIDS. The


Ponder These 10 Mind Bending Questions and Facts During Your Next Smoke Session

The universe is an interesting place, filled with a seemingly endless amount of unexplainable phenomena. Luckily that has not stopped our species from exploring and studying every micrometer of the universe we can see (even