5 Tips to Survive Your First College Party

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When you think of college, you think about your major and what your future job is going to be. You think about how much studying you’ll have to do to pass that final and how much you hate going to that 8 AM class on Friday, but on top of it all you think of the parties. Now you probably went to plenty of parties throughout your time in high school, but this is a whole different ballgame, and you don’t want to look like that freshman who just graduated high school. For that reason, here are some helpful tips to help you survive your first college party:


5. Don’t be that guy/girl who brags about how much you drink.
Listen, chances are if you’re at a party, 90 percent of the people there are drunk and have drank as much if not more than you. Bragging about how much alcohol you’ve consumed is a sure way to show everybody that you’re a freshman, and before you ask, no this is not a good thing.


4. Pace yourself.
This tip ties in with number 5. While everybody may be drinking, nobody wants to deal with somebody who’s too smashed to walk. You will most likely be kicked out if you reach this point, and on top of that you’ll hold this reputation for most of your first semester.


3. Don’t argue with the hosts.
These people are opening their house or apartment up to you and accepting that their party could be busted at any time. They’re willing to risk this to let YOU have a good time. Don’t put more stress on their plate, and don’t give them even more of a reason not to have you there. Contrary to what you might think, nobody is going to think you’re cool because you got kicked out of that rager on Thursday night.


2. Try not to drink the jungle juice.
Listen, I understand, you’re at college! Jungle juice? What’s in it? That’s the magic question! Nobody knows! The probability that there’s some sort of drug and at least 2-3 different types of alcohol mixed in is probably about 75-100 percent. I don’t expect everybody to take this advice, but if you’re going to drink the juice, do not drink too much! One cup is enough! Even one cup is pushing it! We’d much rather have you drink less and be safe than hear that somebody died from alcohol poisoning the next day.


1. Have a friend with you.
The most important tip I can give you when giving advice for your first college party is to make sure you have at least one friend with you. This doesn’t mean you have to stick with that friend the entire party or only talk to each other. The main reason you want a friend with you is to make sure you both get home safe. Also, you’re more likely to get into the party if your with one or two other people rather than by yourself, and you have to get into the party before you can use these tips!



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