14 Times Mariah Carey Described Your Feelings About College Life (2)

7. Getting clarification on something and realizing that you still don’t get it:

Face it, there will be moments when things just go over your head and stay there…completely out of reach.


6. When you know pizza isn’t the most nutritional choice, but you have no willpower: 

You know you don’t need it, but that doesn’t stop you from eating it…a lot.


5. Realizing that your roommate is a bit of a jerk:

The moment a person you thought would be a bestie is now your mortal enemy. #maybeiexaggeratedmaybeididnt


4. When you know Spring Break is around the corner:

Cue the end credits. It’s over. You have no cares to give.


3. When  you’ve decided that it’s not worth it…

Those moments when you can’t justify gaining college debt to lose your mind.


2. …then you think about the benefits of college life…

Okay, if the good out-weigh the bad, you should stay. Otherwise, flip a coin and kick rocks. Just kidding. Stay in school, kids.


1. …and what it means to have a college degree.

The struggle to obtain your degree is real, but you’ll feel like a superstar once you’ve earned it.

Don’t forget to thank the little people.


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