7 Guilty Thoughts That Keep You With Someone Who Doesn’t Deserve You (2)

3. You Don’t Have The Courage To Opt For A Future Filled With Uncertainty

No one likes the uncertainties of life; but this is what life is about. Take up the chances to explore possibilities and opportunities and strive for a better life.
Don’t stay in a relationship where you feel you don’t really belong, just because you hate uncertainties of your future life. Give yourself a chance; your life may unfold a lovely surprise for you.

2. You Feel Like You Don’t Deserve Better

This is the worst thing you can do to yourself ever; feeling that you don’t deserve better. Why on earth are you thinking so low about your own self?
Don’t punish yourself by staying in a relationship that gives you only hurt and disgrace. Don’t let the words of other people make you look down upon your own being. Only you know what challenges you have faced in your life and what you have been through while staying in this relationship. So don’t let this guilty thought ruin your chances of a better life.

1. You’re Giving Up

You are just giving up the hope for an ideal life. You don’t want to step out of this unhealthy relationship because you have lost your hope for a better life with someone else. Don’t do this to yourself; you will regret this after wasting another few years in this relationship. So don’t just give up; you deserve to be happy and not feel like you’re emotionally caged forever.



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