7 Reasons Your College Besties Are Irreplaceable

What would college be if it weren’t full of days holed up in the library or meals skipped while typing a term paper. But your friends have your back. They will risk their meal swipes to steal you some apples that are property of the school. If you pulled an all-nighter, they will even make you a coffee in their to-go mug and burn themselves while they shove it up their sweatshirt sleeve to make sure it doesn’t get confiscated. These are your ride-or-dies.

1. When it was summer break and you needed a friend at 2 AM, they got in their car

College friends aren’t only friends from September to May. This isn’t like high school when you talk in class but then ignore each other when you’re both on the bus. If you had a terrible fight with your parents or S.O., they will be there in a heartbeat. When work is kicking your butt and you can’t afford to put gas in the tank, they will pick you up when it’s time for day at the beach. And they do all this because they know you would do it for them.

How would we have literally survived without our college friends? I ask myself this each time I think back on those blurry memories. I really don’t think I could have if our paths hadn’t crossed. When you are with someone daily for four years, if not more, you can’t ever describe your bond to outsiders. There are inside jokes you don’t remember creating and secrets that will never be shared. The best part about a college friend? You can go so long without speaking to one another, but they minute you’re back together, it’s like you haven’t missed a beat.

Featured Image via Christina Skilbred.

Article Originally Featured on ReadUnWritten.com

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