8 Questions We Ask Ourselves When Thinking About the New Year (2)

4) “How drunk should I get on New Year’s Eve and how drunk am I actually going to get?”


Enough to make me forget my regrets, but not that I won’t actually make it to 2016.

3) “Should I kiss someone on New Year’s Eve or pop back those mini-hot dog appetizers all night?


A kiss is nice and a good way to start off the year, but food.

2) “Which country will I move to if Trump actually becomes president of the United States?”


Switzerland is known for being pretty neutral, but England has people with British accents. It’s going to be a tough year to figure it out.

1) “Should I make a new years resolution, or is that too responsible of me?”


It’s a good concept, but impossible to decide on just one thing, when I haven’t done anything!

Whatever struggles you may have encountered this year, there’s a whole new year to figure it all out. Cheers to 2016!

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