7 Types of People You Meet at a College Party (2)

5. The “What’s My Age, Again?” 


If you didn’t come with this one, you’re safe. You can sit back and relax as they try to dance with you and fall all over in the process. Just don’t get angry if they knock over your beer pong table or vomit on your shoes. And if they want to tell you about their feelings, hear them out. Just because they’re balls-to-the-wall drunk, doesn’t mean they lost the ability to have real emotions. In the end you know they can get out of hand, but you love them anyway.

4. The One Who’s Always Trying to Hook Up 


If you miss this one, consider yourself lucky. They’re on the prowl, and if you are too then everyone’s happy. If not, just try being a friend. Chances are this person doesn’t try to hook up with people sober.next

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