10 Valuable Lessons from How I Met Your Mother (5)

2.) Don’t Waste the Important Moments, You May Not Get Them Back: Towards the end of the show, Lily begins to emphasize the importance of everyone being around for the important moments. But, as life gets in the way, it becomes apparent that things are changing and friendships are changing. The gang is inevitably affected by outside circumstances and choices. However, this does not stop Lily from pulling everyone together again for the big moments. Sure, you will move around, meet new people, change your goals, and find new interests. Change is simply a factor of life, but Lily was right in the sense of not allowing life’s busy happenings to cause you to miss out. Skipping over important moments or vaguely going through the motions is the best way to live an empty life.


1.) Nothing Good Happens After 2 am: Make this your official line to not cross in college (or ever really). NOTHING GOOD, NOTHING!! Happens after 2 am. It’s a proven fact. Drinking or not, nothing good happens. You do stupid stuff, say stupid things, think stupid thoughts-2 am is not your friend.

2 am

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