Why Do Good Girls Always Try to Fix the Bad Guys? (2)

So let’s get down to it. What makes us good girls choose the bad guys? Well to start, it’s a frickin challenge. We like a challenge. We want to take on a project; we are artists wanting to craft the perfect man like a piece of recycled paper. How sick is that? Human beings aren’t projects.

Dating the bad boys is fun. It’s dangerous and risky and scary and all too exciting all at once. In the words of Carrie Bradshaw, it’s all about the “zsa-zsa-zsu”- the fire, the zest, the chase! We run around in circles playing the same games, getting drunk on the same drinks (and the same lines). But the end result is always the same. We lose, we move on, we start a new project and the cycle continues.

We’re terrified of being alone. But honestly, being alone and being lonely are not synonymous. It’s possible to be single and also a badass bitch. Why should we settle for subpar when we could have a hole-in-one? (Bad analogy, you get the point).

We want to take credit. We want to say, “Hey, I did that! You are who you are because of what I did.” But that’s wrong. People are born who they are, and they’re unfortunately already molded into themselves by the time we even get a chance to put in our two cents.

So girls: STOP going after the wrong guys. Broaden your horizons, look outside the box. There are nice boys out there once we just learn to widen the scope. Keep your head up, your hair pretty and your self-confidence on fleek and everything will turn out just fine.

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