A Letter to the Guy Who Left Me Behind (2)

You told me everything was going to be alright, and that you loved me, and that we’d be together again soon, but you lied. You lied and told me that you’d spend every free second talking to me and when you could come home you’d see me, and I wish you hadn’t. I wish that the false hope that you’ve implanted in my head was gone and that I knew the truth before I spent countless hours drowning in tears over you while you were drowning in alcohol and girls who weren’t me. I wish that you cared about my day, and my classes, and me, even if it’s just for a second. It’s not the girls that I hate, or the parties you go to. It’s the fact that you have this new life and you told me I was in it, but days and weeks have gone by since I last heard from you. That’s a lot of seconds and minutes and hours of broken promises that I’ve spent missing you, and wishing that the old you would return. So why did you leave me behind?

Maybe you’re right. I shouldn’t be mad at you for living your life and trying new things and putting yourself out there. I should be mad at myself for allowing you to break your promises, and allowing myself to let you treat me this way. Maybe I’m being selfish for acting like this, and maybe I should tell you how I feel, but that requires time that you don’t have and tears that I’ve ran out of, and I can’t, and I won’t, and you’ll probably never even see this letter. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, and live out your dreams, and if this is it, then I guess that’s alright. Yet through it all, somehow, I still love you and I hope you’re doing alright.

The Girl You Left Behind


** Written By: Ashley Ortwine, Oakland Community College**

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