A Letter to the Unfulfilled New Year’s Resolutions

Dear Failed Resolutions,

We did not mean to forget about you, you just did not seem as important as the beginning of the year. It seemed so much easier saying I’m going to get healthier, I’m going to stop procrastinating, or I’m going to be nicer to people. In the first couple of days or weeks it worked and we felt good about ourselves; we were the exceptions to the vast amount of people who do not fulfill their resolutions. But then we just as fast went back to those bad habits because it’s too hard to resist. 

We then tried again and again to stop ourselves in order to succeed in one of our goals, but of course we failed again. We told ourselves it doesn’t matter and it’s really not that big of a deal, all the while knowing it’s still very much a big deal. We tried to think of all of our good qualities that make up for this flaw, and thinking everyone has problems, so I’m just stuck with this one. 


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