A Letter to the Unfulfilled New Year’s Resolutions (2)

We heard other people talking about their failed resolutions, which encouraged us to keep trying for a very brief time, but then helped us to quit ours as well. We all helped each other become less motivated and continue with our normal routines. 

The end of the year quickly crept up on us and we were suddenly reminded of what our friends helped us forget about for so long. After feeling guilty, we told ourselves we would definitely complete the goals this year because now we know where we went wrong. Now we had the tools to succeed!

Then came January and the cycle started again. So here we are, a few years down the road and that goal is still not accomplished. So failed resolution, I now tell you that I don’t know if I’ll complete you this year, in fact I probably won’t, but for me that is okay now because I am still progressing in life even though you still linger here and there. I will tell you this though- I will try to make time for you throughout the year. Not all at once in the beginning because then I will get overwhelmed and quit completely, but little efforts here and there. You will not take up my whole life, but also not be completely absent. Here’s to a year of not holding myself accountable to completing this goal, but instead holding myself accountable to work towards my goal.

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