An Open Letter to my Professor Who Hates Me

Whether you’re the student who gets nothing but gold stars or the one who can’t seem to catch a break, we’ve all had that one professor who just doesn’t give a sh*t about your problems. The one who loves grading YOUR paper on a bad day, and the one who never lets you speak and then gives you a zero for participation. And to that professor, I have a few things to say.

This isn’t some whining complaint about how you hate me and need to chill; you already don’t give me enough time of day, so why be immature? No, this is an open letter to tell you that you don’t understand.


The first point I’d like to make is that I’m busy, and my double major and sorority life doesn’t mean I should work to higher standards. I have maybe a hundred things on my plate and I’m trying my absolute hardest to work through getting all of them done. Maybe I’m working two jobs to help pay for my college education in the first place. Maybe I have some family troubles you don’t know about. Maybe I’m a freshman going through a tough transition into a whole new college lifestyle.

Secondly, you did this yourself, years ago. Whether you’re an old professor or a new one, you literally went through years of schooling, so you, of all people, should understand how difficult it can be. Remind yourself of a professor who treated you poorly. Sometimes you were just misunderstood.

Now, don’t think I’m trying to say you should go easy on me. I’m here to go through all the painstaking work it takes to get through college, and I’m giving it my all. So while you shouldn’t give me special treatment, you shouldn’t give me lesser treatment.

Singling me out and grading based on a subjective scale just for me? 100% not fair. So don’t get mad when I get frustrated. Realize that we’re all dealing with a lot of sh*t. Sh*t you went through yourself when you were in school.

Your bad vibes shouldn’t be transferred to dealing with my problems.


A good student who needs to be heard

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