12 Reactions To Our Parents As Told By Christina Yang (2)

6. Looking for a way out of a conversation- 5. When they ask about parties and drinking- 4. …And then when they ask about if there are any guys/girls in the picture- 3.  When they


10 Things Girls Hide on the First Date (2)

5. That we’re “fine”- Everything is great! School is good, family, friends, everything in our lives is just dandy…as far as you know.  4. We’re freaking out inside- What are you thinking right now? Do you like


A Letter to the Unfulfilled New Year’s Resolutions

Dear Failed Resolutions, We did not mean to forget about you, you just did not seem as important as the beginning of the year. It seemed so much easier saying I’m going to get healthier,


A Letter to the Unfulfilled New Year’s Resolutions (2)

We heard other people talking about their failed resolutions, which encouraged us to keep trying for a very brief time, but then helped us to quit ours as well. We all helped each other become


10 Things to Do Over Break Besides Staying At Home

I’m just as guilty as the next person of watching too many episodes of Netflix shows so far this break, and that is needed, but it shouldn’t take up all of our time. So here


10 Things to Do Over Break Besides Staying At Home (2)

5. Go snow tubing- If you’re in a colder area or the drive isn’t too far snow tubing is often forgotten about because of skiing and snowboarding, but its just as much fun, if not more!


Finals Week Described By Grey’s Anatomy

While we may not be interns or residents in a hospital, we still have to deal with a crazy amount of stress during finals week as an undergraduate. From running around trying to absorb a


Finals Week Described By Grey’s Anatomy (3)

Halfway through the week: When you see the test: When you’re talking to someone after and they say you’re wrong on a question:


Finals Week Described By Grey’s Anatomy (2)

When you find out the type of exam it is: Halfway through the week: When you see the test: When you’re talking to someone after and they say you’re wrong on a question: After ignoring your friends for a week: After you finish all of your finals and you can go home:


10 Ways to Handle Your Final Projects/Papers

We’re all in the midst of finishing those last few things for our classes before the dreaded finals begin. It’s stressful and we all just want to go back home and have time to get