7 Things Kentucky College Students Understand

Kentucky is praised around the world for it’s amazing scenery and horses. The rolling hills and beautiful farmland are great and all, but those of us who live here get the privilege of knowing what


The 5 Dragon Ball Z Characters You Meet in College

When you go to college, you meet an influx of new people from all walks of life. You meet people in your dorm, your classes, and parties. There’s the book worm, the jock, the funny


The 5 Dragon Ball Z Characters You Meet in College (2)

4.) Trunks This guy is not from around here, as a matter of fact you have no idea where he is from at all. He just randomly appeared in class one day and won the


The 5 Dragon Ball Z Characters You Meet in College (3)

3.) Shenron The Shenron is known for making things happen. You want it, he’s got it. I’m not necessarily talking drugs here, although he would be the guy to ask, I am talking anything. This


The 5 Dragon Ball Z Characters You Meet in College (4)

2.) Master Roshi The Roshi is a bit of an eccentric character, and the only professor you have that starts every class with a dirty joke. You have definitely caught this guy ogling your female


The 5 Dragon Ball Z Characters You Meet in College (5)

1.) Saibamen There are a nearly infinite amount of saibamen on campus, and every time you think you are rid of them a new school year ushers in a brand new batch. The saibamen consist


Walking to Class: Choose Your Own Adventure Edition

Walking to class can seem like an adventure from time to time. With a myriad of distractions and challenges along the way, it is no wonder so many students are late on a regular basis.


Walking to Class: Choose Your Own Adventure Edition (Hit Snooze)

No shower, no problem. On the way you bump into a friend who says: Oh no! How could you have forgotten you told him/her you were going to meet them here today. You don’t have


Walking to Class: Choose Your Own Adventure Edition (Run Like Hell)

You take off running and push your sexy new friend out of the way. As you run off into the distance you hear him/her shout “F*ck you, you coward!” Well, I guess you wont be


Walking to Class: Choose Your Own Adventure Edition (Go Directly To Class)

My, my, what an honor roll student you must be. On the way to class you hear someone shout your name. It is that hot girl/guy from the party last weekend! You told them you