Awkward Date Moments Every Girl Understands (2)

5. One of our main goals when dating is to look as cute as possible. This usually leads to wearing an outfit you can barely breathe in and restricts you from going to the bathroom. That’s never really a problem until you have to go to the bathroom really badly. Squatting is hard enough but trying to squat in acrobat positions without ripping a stitch deserves an award.


4. Showing up first and having a mini attack that you got stood up. In the meantime, you start frantically looking around like someone’s stalking you and reread all of your conversations.


3. Reading into everything that comes out of his mouth. It doesn’t matter what he says. Every sentence has to be repeated to a friend and background checked. Did he smile when he said it? How many emojis did he use?


2. Getting nervous and telling a way too personal story. Nobody likes an awkward silence but filling it in with a story of the time you got really drunk and peed yourself is not quite the way to fix it.


1. The kiss! I’m not really sure who came up with the idea of kissing after the first date is over, but I don’t think any of us thanks them for it. You’re never really sure how to end things off so you kind of just hopes he makes a move and awkwardly shuffle away.


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