Big/Little Reveal Explained By The Characters of Friends (4)

No matter how much you’re not ready for it, today’s the day. It’s reveal. IT’S HAPPENING. IT. IS. HAPPENING. TODAY.


You find the costume your big left for you to wear and you start to question everything even more. Is she really your big? Or is she really a rando that you’ve never met in your entire life? Maybe she’s weird. What if you hate her? This is not good.


Ready or not it really is happening now. You and the rest of your new member class sprint to the area where reveal is happening. Your heart is racing and you realize that this is it. You all turn around and close your eyes, (im)patiently waiting for your bigs to run up and officially claim you as their little forever.


Suddenly, you’re being hugged tighter than you ever imagined possible. You open your eyes to realize it really is her. Your big is your person, your soul mate. Your big is the girl you wanted from the very beginning.


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