College as Defined by Star Wars (2)

5. When people stop in the middle of the walkway as you’re walking to class. This is probably one of the most annoying things when on campus. Every time it happens you just want to channel your inner Darth Vader and destroy the person who stopped in front of you.


4. When you try to convince your friends to go out with you. People constantly joke around about joining the Dark Side, but when it comes going out it really is like joining the Dark Side. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, but you do know it’ll give you lots of power and a thrill you can only get from joining the Dark Side.


3. When you and your squad are on point. People would be wrong to mess with you and your friends. You always manage to do things in sync and no one would want to mess with you anyways because you’re all kind of badass.


2. When your friends don’t think you can ace that test or finish your work in a short amount of time. People should really stop doubting you. You may not be able to instill fear in them like Darth Vader, but you could do some damage if you really wanted to.


1. When people think they know better than everyone else. This may not be an actual quote from Star Wars, but imagine if it was? It’d be accurate and hilarious.


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