College Explained by the Movie “Bridesmaids” (2)

7. “You cannot trust anybody, ever.”

You probably learned this in high school but if you didn’t, then you definitely learned it in college.

Trust Nobody

6. “What’s wrong with me?!”

Another daily thought. Between grades, bank accounts and love lives we have a lot to question.

whats wrong with me

5. “Help me I’m poor.”

16 credit hours doesn’t leave much time to work a lot so we’re pretty much always poor. No matter what.


4. “I have no friends.”

In a big place it’s hard to feel like you have people that you’re really close to. You probably do have friends, it’s just hard to realize it sometimes.

no friends

3. “You read my journal…?”

Sometimes our roommates get way too close for comfort and do things that invade our privacy.

read my journal

2. “I know how guys do this thing.”

They always seem so wonderful until they get what they want. Most guys in college want one thing and bail once they get it.


1. “My life is blah.”

We have those friends who seem like they have it all together while we keep losing our $hit. It’s annoying and really just makes you feel bad about yourself.

her life is perfect

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