Gilmore Girls GIFs That’ll Lead You To The Next Train

Do you like witty comebacks? Addicted to Coffee? Love pop culture references?  If you’ve been hiding under a rock or don’t have a Netflix account, Gilmore Girls is a feel-good comedy-drama series that involve single mom Lorelei Gilmore, and daughter Lorelei ‘Rory’ Gilmore. Being pregnant at 16, Lorelei ran away from the upper class lifestyle to start anew with Rory all by herself. As Rory gets more mature, so does their mother-daughter relationship. This non-stop duo loves quick comebacks, old movies, and you guessed it, Coffee. As Stars Hallow (setting) residents, they befriend nearly the whole town and go to Luke’s (local diner) bi-daily or whenever they need a quick coffee refill/pie opportunity. Enjoy these ten GIFs which are relatable and you are sure to follow.

10. The inevitable coffee pick-me-up

9. Going out with the squad


8. Coming to terms with your love life


7. Trying to get through final’s week


6. Getting period cravings



5. Going clothes shopping with friends & coming out of dressing room looking for approval


4.  Doing something embarrassing out in public 


3.  Being on the college diet


2. Having a private conversation when someone you don’t like chimes in


1. Surrounding yourself with the people you love

And if you’re not convinced the show is good, then…


Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life transported many viewers back to the small Connecticut town of Stars Hollow with its four 90-minute episodes recently released on Netflix. Although, many of us had been visiting frequently throughout the past few months in preparation, binge watching our favorite episodes from the original series. There was always something unusual about this show. It had a sweetness and pace that seemed unmatched by any other, and while the characters were often lovable and quick-witted, they were also flawed, often caffeinated, and sometimes selfish. As beloved as these characters were, we didn’t always agree with their choices—let’s just pretend that Dean never went to the Gilmore house at the end of season four.


So, while I was a little surprised to see where the characters were in the revival, I was also pleased that they still didn’t have everything together, far from it actually. I grew up watching this show, relating to situations that Rory and Lorelai found themselves in and learning many life lessons through the show’s quick and pop-culture riddled dialogue.


25. Always show appreciation for the people who inspired you and helped you to become the person you are today


24. Have high standards whether you’re shooting for an ivy league school or deciding if a guy is worth a second date. Also, dessert is always a good idea.


23. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes. During airplane safety demonstrations, they always tell you that if the oxygen masks drop you should secure your own mask before helping anyone else with theirs. Sometimes in order to help others, you need to help yourself first.

635933580574264441-1421192782_GG Dialogue

22. Set goals for the future and live a life you’ll be proud of in the future. There will certainly be bumps along the way but those goals are what will help you to stay focused on what’s ahead. 


21. Don’t place your self-worth or happiness on the approval of others. There will always be someone who disapproves of your choices and that’s okay. Their opinions really don’t matter.giphy

20. Find happiness outside of relationships. Miss Patty may have been married multiple times, but we never actually saw her married on the show. We did, however, see her fulfilled with her dance studio and around fresh produce a few times. 


19. Finding the right person isn’t easy, and if Lorelai is any indication, sometimes the right person is standing right in front of you and you’re just too distracted to notice. 


18. No one emits rays of sunshine all of the time. Sometimes, nothing seems to be going your way and you take your anger out on the people you love. The people who stick around during those times are worth holding onto.


17. We all have bad habits that we need to break. Keep trying! 


16. When you’re in university, people always want to know what your plans for the future are. The truth is, you just want someone to hire you after graduation but every entry level job requires two-years experience. 


15. It’s perfectly normal to think about your own death.


14. Never skip laundry day. If you skip once, it will take you forever to get back on track. 


13. Sometimes are there no words that perfectly articulate how you’re feeling. 


12. There are some things in life that are unavoidable like Monday mornings, fights with your mother, and harsh ultimatums. 


11. Sometimes it’s best to get straight to the point.


10. Not everyone can be a morning person. 


9. Everyone should work in customer service at least once in their lives. The experience will make you a better, more tolerable person


8. Never lower your expectations for standards for anyone. More than likely, the person you’re seeing now won’t be in your life in five years. 


7. You don’t choose who you fall in love with. Wouldn’t it be easier if you did?



6. There will be a time in your life when you feel completely alone and unlovable, but if Kirk can find his person, there’s hope for us all.


5. The benefits of working out are undeniable, but if watching Netflix presented the same results, gyms would become obsolete. 


4. Breakups are real losses and require their own grieving period. That’s why it’s important to wallow. 


3. Life won’t always take the path you expect, and you’ll be forced to put on a brave face. 


2. Not everyone will understand your sense of humor.


1. One day, if you’re lucky, you’ll find a show that perfectly represents your life and provides with an abundance of pop-culture knowledge.  


If you’re not big on the college party scene or are taking a break for the weekend here is a list of tv shows that are totally binge worthy for a Friday night in. Grab your Ben and Jerry’s or something a little stronger (if you are of age) and settle in for a long, dramatic, and hilarious night.

10. Don’t Trust The B In Apartment 23

College is a time for adjustment, and no one knows adjustment better than the lead of this show. Following the adventures of June, a bright eyed optimist from the Midwest, who moves to New York with a perfectly planned out future. When all of her dreams come crashing down June is forced to move in with crazy party girl Chloe and her life truly begins.

9. Parenthood

If you’re missing your family now that you are in college try watching this dramady all about parents, children, and all the messy and wonderful things that comes with. The show follows the life of the Bravermen family while raising children, marital problems, fighting illness, and finding ways to be happy.

8. Freaks and Geeks

Missing high school? This tv show will help you get through it… With the early comedic stylings of James Franco, Seth Rogan, and Jason Segal, Freaks and Geeks is a not so lame way of reliving those not so wonderful days of school. The show centers around siblings Lindsay (the freak) and Sam (the geek) as they try to get through high school and the different friends and enemies they make.

7. Scrubs

Want a medical show that isn’t Grey’s Anatomy? Go for Scrubs. It’s funny, touching, and just medically in touch enough to give any hypochondriac pause. With J.D. and company going through becoming doctors at Sacred Heart Hospital, the show brings us one of the best examples of what it mean to be in “Guy Love”.

6. Community

A show that follows several not so mischievous misfits from all walks of life taking on the challenge of higher learning. Jeff, Britta, Abed, Troy, Annie, Shirley, and Pierce get caught up in paintball filled hijinks all while trying to pass a beginning level Spanish class.

5. Gilmore Girls

Pretty straight forward right? Everyone and their mother has seen Gilmore Girls (see what I did there) but with the revival coming Thanksgiving weekend now is the perfect time to marathon the heck out of the Gilmore clan (Team Logan forever)!

4.   iZombie

Fan of comic book adaptions? Well this one is for you. iZombie tells the story of Liv Moore, a young happily engaged doctor, who’s life is bitterly taken away from her when she wakes up to find that she’s been turned into a zombie. Now Liv helps solve murder mysteries while trying to find a permanent cure to Zomiehood.

3.  Private Practice

A spin off from Grey’s and the second medical themed show on this list, Private Practice picks up from when Katherine (McDreamy’s ex-wife) moves to California to join a private medical practice. With a lighter tone from the former, PP shows that woman of a certain age can get their groove back, both professionally and romantically.

2.  Desparate Housewives

Remember your mother talking about this show? Well there’s a good reason for that! Desperate Housewives bring Pretty Little Liars to shame. This dark comedy shows the not so pleasant lives of some of the most interesting housewives on Wisteria Lane. Secrets, lies, and laughter all stemming from one question: Why did Mary Alice kill herself?

1. Ally McBeal

Arguably one of the best work place and lawyer themed television shows, Ally McBeal tells the story of it’s title character. Diving into Ally’s law career, friendships, romantic entanglements, and the reason why she see a dancing baby, the show gives us a rare insight into the curious workings of our brains and why we do crazy things. Also the soundtrack is amazing – Robert Downey Jr actually sings…

As a girl in her 20’s it was shocking to some that I had never watched the profound Gilmore Girls. I knew briefly that they talked fast and drank coffee, but somehow failed to jump on the bandwagon earlier. So as summer approached and the stress of classes faded away I turned my fleeting spare moments to binging all 7 seasons before the new Netflix series is released. Here is what I learned.


All relationships, whether romantic or friendly require communication and understanding. Through every season all the main characters were tested, Rory and Lane remained friends through every obstacle they encountered, which is  difficult, especially when taking different life paths. Leaving for school can end relationships or make the important ones stronger. Meanwhile, Sookie and Lorelai tested their friendship when deciding to become business partners. What I loved about watching this show is how well it correlated to real life. Nothing was over glamified. Realistic struggles were introduced and had to be handled because real life problems never magically disappear.


You can’t make someone do the right thing. People are going to make their choices, regardless of your opinion or advice. No matter how many times these characters talked about a problem/situation they still made their own decision. We had to painfully watch Rory basically ruin a marriage, saw the Gilmore’s intervene with every aspect of Lorelai’s life and saw Jess continually ignore Luke’s desire for him to grow up and finish school. People are who they are and you can’t expect to change them, even if you think it’s for the better.


Love is hard. All forms of it and from recent life experience, it doesn’t get easier.


My Sarcasm/Wit is fine. If this show taught me anything, it’s that my sarcasm has never been a problem and it never will be. I love the banter and the quick pace of conversation, it keeps me engaged. Bad tv is great, but I will always prefer to listen to conversations with content. This show doesn’t waste a moment of screen time. The Gilmore Girls taught me that pop-culture references will always be relevant.


Take Chances. Logan was this rich, entitled character who bugged me beyond belief. But, he pushed Rory to be adventurous and discover herself. Jess pushed her to get out of her rut when she was sucked into complacently living with her grandparents. As Rory struggled with College and what comes after I couldn’t help but compare similar moments of our journeys. But I wished I had taken more chances, that I could have had someone pushing me to find my best self.


My Obsession With Books is Normal. For the rest of my life I will continue to read multiple books at the same time because that’s how my brain works. Seeing Rory struggle on deciding which books to bring with her was a connection I’ve never made with any other television character. She taught me that being the girl who sits in the corner at a party reading a book, isn’t a problem.


Food will solve all problems. There is nothing better than seeing characters who eat real food, who have cravings and splurge. Go to Luke’s, go to the Dragonfly Inn, sit at Lorelai’s kitchen table and treat yo self to food.


Never be afraid to be yourself.


The top 100 party schools. It’s the list that every college student can’t wait to see every year going into the new school year. Colleges are ranked and students jump for joy when they see their college on the list. When their school isn’t on the list, it makes that college more determined than ever to have a crazy school year in hopes of getting on the list in the future. Well, we have this years ranking for the top 100 party schools. How did we conduct this research? Well, let’s see. First, we looked into seeing how often the college is in the news for alcohol related arrests, crazy fraternity/house parties, and overall viral content over the last year that relates to partying. Second, we looked into seeing what a schools track record is for alcohol use. Lastly, we asked students from across the country what they had to say about alcohol use at their colleges. From all of the information we received, here’s our list. Enjoy! Did your college make the list? If so, share with fellow students!

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Anyway, SDSU Alpha Phi is one of our favorite chapters for a reason. We actually had the pleasure to take these girls out one time, and trust me… they are all they have been hyped up to be. Fun, smoking hot, and super down to earth girls. All I can say is Wow, Wow, Wow, and more WOW. It’s kind of like love at first sight. What makes SDSU Alpha Phi so special? Let’s just see. They’re hot, they’re hot, and….. they’re just super hot. Ok, ok , ok. There is more to them than being just super hot. It’s awesome to be an Alpha Phi and we love these girls. Check out their amazing new day video below!

And oh yeah…. SDSU Alpha Phi.. hit us up. We’re ready to rage whenever! We got something awesome planned for your chapter, so DM us on Instagram –> @UPrimetime

SDSU. What can we say. It may just be our new favorite college. I mean, there’s a reason we ranked SDSU number ONE for having the most attractive students. We’ve had THOUSANDS of greek videos submitted to us to be featured on, and we wanted to start off the recruitment season right with SDSU Alpha Chi Omega. After analyzing all of these videos that have been submitted to us, one video really stood out to us. That video was SDSU Alpha Chi Omega. I mean think about it… the girls in this video just seem like too much fun. Their sisterhood seems like it’s totally awesome. Ever since we moved to PB in San Diego, we’ve heard amazing things about this chapter. Whether it’s being known for having smoking hot sisters, or being known for doing awesome work in their community, SDSU Alpha Chi Omega is a chapter we hope to meet in the near future!

Cheers to these awesome sorority girls for having one of the top recruitment videos in the entire country! If you don’t believe us, here’s their video below. Enjoy! Shout out to Campus lens for making this dope video!

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Gamma Phi Beta at the University of Arizona never fails to amaze us, and their 2017 recruitment video has us in awe. From their amazing sisterhood, to being drop dead gorgeous, to always having each other’s backs, these girls are the real deal. Do yourself a favor and check out the amazing video below. Major props to Gamma Phi Beta for having an extremely well done video. You girls killed it and we are looking forward to seeing what else your chapter has in store! UofA is doing a great job of showing why their college is EPIC for Greek Life!  Before you check out their amazing video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @UPrimetime on Instagram for everything college!!!


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University of South Carolina Pi Beta Phi just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Pi Beta Phi is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Pi Beta Phi completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like USC sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from USC Pi Beta Phi below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

University of Nebraska Alpha Phi just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Alpha Phi is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Alpha Phi completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like UNK sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from UNK Alpha Phi below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

University of Utah Pi Beta Phi just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Pi Beta Phi is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Pi Beta Phi completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like University of Utah sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from University of Utah Pi Beta Phi below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

Sam Houston State University Zeta Tau Alpha just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Zeta Tau Alpha is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Zeta Tau Alpha completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like Sam Houston sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from Sam Houston State Zeta Tau Alpha below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

IUPUI Phi Mu just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Phi Mu is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Phi Mu completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like IUPUI sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from IUPUI Phi Mu below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

University of Idaho Delta Gamma just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Delta Gamma is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Delta Gamma completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like Idaho sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from University of Idaho Delta Gamma below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

University of Florida ADPi just dropped one amazing new summer teaser video. ADPi is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. ADPi completely wowed us with their amazing summer teaser video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like UofF sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from UofF ADPi below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

University of North Carolina at Greensboro Chi Sigma just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Chi Sigma is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Chi Sigma completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like UNCG sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from UNCG Chi Sigma below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

Boise State Alpha Chi Omega just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Alpha Chi Omega is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Alpha Chi Omega completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like Boise State sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from Boise State Alpha Chi Omega below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

University of North Carolina at Greensboro Tri Sigma just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Tri Sigma is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Tri Sigma completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like UNCG sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from UNCG Tri Sigma below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

Colgate University’s Tri Delta just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Tri Delta is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Tri Delta completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like Colgate University’s sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from Colgate University’s Tri Delta below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!

University of North Texas Chi Omega just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Chi Omega is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. Chi Omega completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood. I mean.. how can you not like UNT’s sorority girls. BEARDOWN!!! Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from UNT Chi Omega below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!

Arizona State University. You can say that this college tends to be in the news a lot. Well, this news that just came out is pretty crazy. We’re not even going to explain any further as we will let the video below explain. Guys, don’t send pics to girls, or this will happen!


WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW! 

USM Chi Omega  just dropped one amazing new recruitment video. Chi Omega is definitely a chapter that deserves some recognition. The chapter completely wowed us with their amazing recruitment video this year! Every sister is unique and they all create one awesome sisterhood.  Before you check out their amazing new video below, Make sure to FOLLOW @SororityVideos on Instagram for more amazing recruitment videos now!!!! It’s the best Instagram account for sororities out there! Follow @SororityVideos on Instagram now! Check out the new video from USM Chi Omega below! Major shout out to their chapter for being phenomenal in their community!


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