It’s Just a Bad Day, Not A Bad Life (2)

I’m excited to finish the rest of the semester, and next semester, as the last time living in a dorm room with my best friend. I’m excited to learn new things and ace my classes. I’m excited to move off campus in June into a brand new apartment, creating another home and new experiences alongside my best friend. I’m excited to teach her to cook, pay the bills and really understand what it’s like to grow up. I’m excited to lay in bed in my little apartment and think to myself, “Man, I never thought I would get here. I never thought I would make it through those tough times and get to a place like this.”

I’m excited to find a job that makes me realize that I’ll never actually work a day in my life because I’ll love it so much. I can’t wait to help people, really help people, who are struggling and feel as if there is no hope left. I’m excited to give them that hope. I’m excited to find someone that takes my breath away like they describe in all of those corny, sappy love movies that I’ve always pretended to hate so much. I’m excited to find someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’m excited to create a family, buy my first house, and have babies who look just like me. I’m excited to watch as they grow, witness their first steps, hear their first words, and hold them in my arms until they fall asleep and then just a few moments more to really take in the joys of motherhood.

I’m excited to watch my children become everything and anything they want to be with my full support just like my mother gave to me. I’m excited to grow old alongside the one I love so much. I’m excited for my children to give me grandchildren and see all of myself in their eyes. I’m excited to look back on my life with no regrets, thinking of all the amazing times and wonderful experiences that I’ve had with the best people I could have asked for.

When we’re old, we aren’t going to think back on that one week in college that we never saw ourselves making it through. We will think about all of the things that made our hearts race for all of the right reasons and all of the people felt like home to us. So on that note, you will get through this little funk you’re in. These negative feelings will subside. You have to look to the past and remember it well, then look to the future and think about how some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet. It’s a bad day, not a bad life.

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