How to Keep your Spring Break Body All Year Round (2)

6) Make a routine. 

“I would say the most important thing is getting to the gym at least a few days each week, even if you’re only working out for half an hour at a time. Your diet is important too; try to cut out soda, junk food and fatty foods and you’ll be good. If you want to get into the best shape possible, then supplements are the icing on the cake. I use C4 before every workout and Pro Complex protein powder within 20 minutes of completing the workout. Remember that showing up to the gym is half the battle for most people. Work out for yourself and don’t worry about what other people think about you.”–Raymond, junior.

5) Use healthy ingredients when you cook. 

“I cook only with natural oils: coconut, olive or avocado. I like to make baked oatmeal bars on Sunday and have a ready and made breakfast to go for the week. It helps to make sure I don’t splurge or binge and keeps me full and alert for the morning.” –Gabriella, sophomore.

4) Push yourself with push-ups. 

“It really comes down to consistency, the more consistent you are I feel the better you will be. I know people oftentimes are full of work to do and have no time some days and I can relate. On days as such I make sure I get my 100 push ups in with my 100 abs that night therefore my conscience will be clear knowing that I did something to keep me going. I’m not a huge fan of protein shakes but I’ll take some every now and then if I don’t feel like eating at the moment and try to stay away from red meat!”–Marques, junior.


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