Lil’ Jon Spills What He Won’t Turn Down For (Finally)

As college students, we can thank Lil’ Jon for many things. One being which for making songs that college students are so attracted to– we know, “Turn Down for What” may still be a guilty pleasure at parties. And another, most guys might say, for creating the song “Get Low.” Do I need to explain that one?

The guys at BroBible had the chance to interview Lil’ Jon at Bud Light’s Whatever USA a month ago. This event took place in Colorado where Lil Jon performed. In the video below, Lil Jon’ is asked all types of different questions you all have been dying to find out (don’t lie). He even reveals what he doesn’t turn down for… really, the video is a must-watch. Lil’ Jon proved just how fun and sarcastic he really is, and we love it. Thanks BroBible for an awesome video. Check it out below!

Print journalism major at Quinnipiac University trying to prove her writing other than in a sea of girls in Vineyard Vines and boys in Chubbies, boat shoes and pastel colored button-ups.

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