What I Miss About My Party Girl Days

5. Having stories to tell people thanks to those bad decisions.

Not only does not making bad decisions make life boring, it means I have no fun stories to tell anyone. For instance, if I go to brunch with people, I can’t talk about what I did the night before without putting people to sleep. Even if I go out, I usually just go home early and go to bed. I mean, there was one time a few months ago where I slept in my car, but that wasn’t because I was reliving my PG days. It was because I tried to relive my PG days, but I hated it so much that I tried to go home early, but I left my keys at my apartment and my boyfriend fell asleep because, well, we are boring, so he couldn’t let me in. And yeah – I guess that’s a ‘story,’ but if we’re comparing it to a story from my PG days, it doesn’t compare at all.


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