Why New Years Is Totally Overrated (2)

5. Crowded. Crowded everywhere.

giphy-4Driving on NYE is hell. Trying to get a drink on NYE is also hell. Standing in one spot trying to watch the performances on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve results in being bodied by at least five guys over six feet tall. No thanks.

4. The expectations of the night.

giphyAs I said earlier, movies romanticize this night a TON. So, we expect to look cute in a sequin dress, have a few drinks, throw confetti, kiss someone cute at midnight, and fall in love. What isn’t in the movies? Reality. Sequin dresses are not that flattering. A few drinks turns into an empty bank account. No one has confetti. And, by 12:00, no one looks cute; it is just the alcohol.

3. Everyone wants to be with everyone causing headaches while planning.

giphy3Everyone suddenly loves everyone on New Year’s Eve. You know, “new year, new me.” Which is great until you are planning something and so-and-so cannot come because so-and-so’s lab partner is going somewhere else, so you want to tag along with so-and-so and then the girl down the hall from you freshman year wants to know what you are doing, too. “I’ll see you when I see you.”

2. Have you ever been to Times Square on New Year’s Eve?

giphy2I haven’t, but I do not think I ever will. Something about standing around for an entire day, waiting for the shows to start in the freezing cold, does not sound too appealing to me.

1. New Year’s resolutions.

giphy1Do not get me wrong; I am all about bettering yourself. However, I do not think it is possible to change at the stroke of midnight January 1st. So many people give up their new year’s resolutions within two days of making them because they were “unrealistic.” You do not need a new year to make yourself better.

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