Why New Years Is Totally Overrated

The start of a new year. You know, “new year, new me.” Right? Nope, probably not.

Do not get me wrong, I love a New Year’s Eve celebration with some friends and family. It is always fun to gather around the television at midnight watching the ball drop, counting down the seconds until the start of the new year. The best part is looking around and realizing the similarities or differences that have been made since the last time you counted down the ball drop.

However, the celebration is not all that is cracked up to be. Here are 10 reasons why the sparkly dresses and weird “Happy New Year” crowns are totally overrated.

10. You are probably not going to meet your soulmate.

giphyMovies romanticize everything including New Year’s celebrations. The Troy and Gabriella set up is likely one in a million. Ending the new year single and beginning it in a relationship? Maybe next year…

9. New Year’s kisses.

giphy9Grabbing the arm of a random cutie and kissing him probably will not be as romantic to him as you think it is. He’ll either think you are going home together, or that you are crazy. But, really, why is that a thing?

8. Girls’ New Year’s Eve attire.

giphy8Who made it a trend to dress like the Times Square ball? Just don’t. No need for the excessive sequins.

7. 12 a.m. is a very common time for us college students.

giphy7When we were young, the thrill of New Year’s Eve was being able to stay up late with your parents and friends to see the start of the new year. Now, midnight is a common time for us. Between studying in the library, lack of sleep, or going out on the weekends, seeing “12:00 AM” on the clock is not unusual.

6. 12 a.m. is not common for some, and I bet you will be able to tell who around 11 p.m.

giphy6This is a special day of the year for the girl falling all over the party. She probably does not stay out this late usually. But, hey, good for you, girl.


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