Popped a Molly I’m Sweatin: What You Need to Know About the Rise of MDMA (2)

2) Safety of MDMA

Unlike marijuana, MDMA is a man made chemical, which means the safety of using said drug can vary depending on the source someone gets it from. The largest safety concern when it comes to MDMA is product purity; many dealers sell Molly that is cut with MDA, MDE, PMA, caffeine, ephedrine, other amphetamines, and DXM without even knowing it. Any one of the chemicals mentioned in the previous sentence can cause you to be very uncomfortable or disoriented if ingested. Another major concern with MDMA comes from mixing it with other substances like MAOIs (commonly found in antidepressants,) Ritonavir, Viagra, and alcohol. MAOIs, Viagra, and Ritonavir can be a dangerous or deadly combination, and combining MDMA with alcohol can damage the hippocampal region of your brain (responsible for directional ability and memory.) Overheating and dehydration can occur when someone is taking Molly, and on the flip side of that, water poisoning can occur if some one over hydrates themselves while “rolling” (using MDMA.) In short, the safety of using MDMA depends largely on the user, which leads us to our final section…up-next-page

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