Reasons Why BGSU Students Are Not Excited to Start the Spring Semester (2)

5. The rain never, ever stops. No matter which way you turn it will ALWAYS hit your face. There’s no point in even bringing an umbrella, it’ll be flipped upside down and inside out the moment you take a step out the door. You can try though. We’ve all fought that good fight- and lost.


4. The windy rain makes the crappy Wi-Fi even crappier. This will also be the time when you have the most online quizzes and research to do. The perfect season for Netflix and chill and no one can even get the Netflix part to work right.


3. Everybody is broke.  College students are always broke but we’re REALLY hurting during the spring semester because every last dime is going towards the attempt at making spring break awesome. Even if it is not exactly spring break, every student is planning a trip coming up sooner than our wallets are comfortable with. In turn, all other aspects of our hungry lives suffer in the money department.


2. For some reason breaks just completely stop when the spring semester rolls around. BGSU students truly learn the meaning of “no days off” during this time period. Other than the one week in March everyone so desperately counts down for, which the weekend was so conveniently combined with (so actually 4 days), there is no such thing as time off.


1. The tortuous countdown to summer seems to be never ending. You can count out loud, go by week, and mark every day off your calendar but summer refuses to show up.


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