Reasons Why BGSU Students Are Not Excited to Start the Spring Semester

10. It gets too cold to function in daily life. If it is not located in your building odds are you aren’t going. You will never ever catch anyone outside unless it is a student forcibly fighting for the life of their attendance policy. Nobody is trying to get frostbite while being slapped in the face with negative degree sleety wind.


9. The moment it gets remotely warm outside you have to duck and dodge the obnoxious amounts of footballs and Frisbees being chucked at your head. Even with all the grass space over the entire campus, guys still decide to throw things at each other in the middle of the sidewalks with tons of people trying to walk through.


8. Not all the dorms on campus have air conditioners. But the residents of the ones who do will need about 5 layers of clothing, a giant heating pad, and 12 blankets to keep warm. As soon as the sun decides to poke out is when the heat goes off and the AC hits its lowest possible temperature.


7. Ladybugs crash your dorm and overstay their welcome. They also bring friends that have a targeted mission to get on your nerves. Go ahead, Google every remedy to get those suckers off your ceiling. They’re not going anywhere.


6. No one is ever really  sure what to wear. You can go to class in below freezing weather and then be sweating on your walk back home. Everyone kind of just throws on a hoodie, rain boots with snow pants, and hopes for the best.



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