Stages of Drunk Girls (As Told By That 70’s Show) (5)

The arguing stage

She doesn’t want to leave although everyone else around her has left hours ago and the lights are starting to turn on. She’ll get mad about something someone said or the way some girl looked at her and end up walking 20 steps ahead of the rest of her friends. Confrontational drunk is the foundation of this stage in which she will end up being a royal pain for the remainder of the night.

The vomiting stage

Everyone loves a puking drunk girl, right?? Not much more to this stage besides her new bed on the bathroom floor in which she can easily access the toilet.

The loss of all bodily functions stage

She can no longer hold her head up. 10/10 times she will be carried home or carried to the Über by some very unlucky guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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