Staying Friends With An Ex Is The Worst Idea EVER (3)

Kriger believes the most important thing to do once a relationship is over is to cut all ties and move on in order to allow yourself the chance to find happiness elsewhere. That means deleting his number, and yes, even blocking him on Facebook.

Juliana Breines, PhD of Psychology Today draws a strong connection between Facebook stalking and increases in jealousy and anxiety.

Ultimately, every situation is specific to each relationship, just like my exes. With some, there’s no problem with staying friends, and others I needed to cut out of my life — and that includes as Facebook friends.

Psychologist Karen Sherman says that a period of separation is critical before rekindling the friendship. It doesn’t have to be long, but it’s important to let the romantic aspects of your connection die down a bit before jumping into something as friends.

That’s all great, but a pint of ice cream is probably your best option here.

Credits: Christine Schoenwald / YourTango

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