Study Shows When College Students Are Most Likely To Try Drugs For The First Time (2)

Trying other drugs like marijuana, inhalants, and alcohol for the first time during the summer months is most common and most likely due to their free time and sense of being carefree without responsibility. Alcohol is primarily first tried in the month of June by adolescents aged 17, on average. Marijuana use, or experimentation, begins around the age of 18 whereas the illegal use of painkillers begins around ages 21 or 22.

The purpose of this study was to determine the best months you can choose to talk to your teens in a non-judgemental or emotional way about drugs and alcohol. Opening the doors of communication is key between the parents and students because discussion of the subject makes the teen more aware of themselves, their values, and their parents’ orders during the time that they’re most likely to try certain drugs or alcohol. Talking to your students is very important, although it doesn’t always stop the progression of experimentation, as you’ve probably learned.

I believe that talking to your kids about the use of illegal substances is definitely a good idea. Many of my friends have, and do, illegally use stimulants like Adderall during finals week in order to study and keep focused. Although I’ve never first handedly seen Adderall’s negative effects amongst my own friends, there are several ways that these stimulants can and do effect people negatively. Stimulants are addictive, and we’re at a stage in our lives where addiction is liable to begin and progress if we abuse substances not meant for us to consume. I’ve never been a fan of taking other people’s medication because not only can you get in trouble for consuming another person’s prescribed medication, but the friend who gave it to you, or sold it to you, could get in even more

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