Why Summer Is The New Spring

Summer is the time when we often start over. Just like in the Spring everything begins anew. After all let’s face it Summer is the longest amount of time we spend away from the people we usually interact with on a regular. It’s the longest vacation we get all year. With that being said this is the one time of the year that we can do the most with ourselves and make the best of our time.

This is the time of year that sees the most change in our lives. We change our relationship status, get jobs or internships, see family and friends we haven’t in a long time. Simply put this is when we accomplish the most in a year when you really think about it. No one ever truly notices what they have achieved until they looked at their Summer. It only takes a moment to realize what you’ve done. It came to me one day and I suddenly recognized the changes.

In one Summer, I’ve taken a Summer course, gotten certifications, made new friends, gotten closer to family, built my resume, strengthened my relationship with God, went on vacation, took a cruise, traveled to numerous places, gained work experience, secured internships and jobs, received offers and opportunities for various professional, educational, recreational and personal advancements, made lots of money, got a new perspective on life, evaluated relationships, helped to manage businesses and major projects for start ups and established companies, ended a long relationship, learned about myself, found out who my friends are, started a business, earned an assistanship and so much more.

Summer is the best time to make a change in your life. It’s the perfect opportunity to try something new and just do what you’ve never done before. Take a chance and do what you’ve always wanted to do. All aspects of your life mesh here in this wonderful time of the year. You can do anything during this period. I suggest you used it to better yourself. Improve in all areas of your personal, recreational, professional and educational life. Make the best of it and go for every opportunity you have in front of you with a passion. Take all the challenges and obstacles you face head on. So much can change in a few months you might be someone entirely new but that someone is still you. Whether it’s a better you or not only your can decide for yourself. Have fun, live life, enjoy yourself, read a book, learn a new language, study a new subject, try a new line of work, take a class, visit family hang out with friends, build network contacts, do some research, write a paper.

That class could prepare you for an internship. That internship could turn into a job. That certification could get you a promotion. You just never know. So when life gives you lemons say forget it, squeeze em, make a glass of lemonade and drink until the cup is emptied of every last drop.

Summer is the new Spring because it’s just like a fling, it never lasts but when it comes, while it’s here, therein lies a chance for new beginnings. That’s where it all starts. With you. And what you do.

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