12 Things To Stop Apologizing For

“I’m sorry.” It’s one simple phrase and yet it holds so much meaning. So why do people throw it around so often? We seem to say I’m sorry for so many things and a lot of


How Social Media Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

We have all heard teachers and parents tell us, “Careful what you put on the Internet. It is permanent.” While that is totally true, it should not scare you if you are utilizing social media


Why I Am OK Moving Post-Grad

I have always been someone filled with wanderlust and a natural curiosity for the way people live, even if it is only a few towns over. I tend to wonder where people go to school,


10 Signs You Shouldn’t Study In Public Places

When it comes to studying everyone has their own study habits. You may find your friends asking if you want to study at the library or the computer lab, but for some people the best option


True Life: I Realized “Home” Isn’t My Home Anymore

During my first year of college I wasn’t used to being away from home or my friends and family so any time I was able to go home I would jump at the chance. It


10 Struggles of Having a Messy Dorm

When you’re in college you’re more worried about class, homework, work, and your social life than you are about keeping your room clean. So, naturally, when keeping your room clean is at the bottom of


Struggles Of Studying At Langsam Library (UC)

I think that we can all agree that there are so many struggles of studying at the Langsam library. Here are eleven of them! 11. “Do you think we’ll be lucky enough to get a


Winter Break Told By The Office

Ladies and gentlemen…we made it. Here’s to a month off school! The best part is getting to see your dog. Realizing you are one step closer to graduating! Then realizing you aren’t a senior… When you


10 Thoughts You’ve Had at the Job You Hate

Being an adult is tough, especially when you work at a job that you hate going to. Whether you have a student admin job at your school, work at the local coffee shop, have an


The 5 Reasons To Always Give Second Chances

It’s hard to think we would ever give second chances, especially when someone screws you over. What does it mean to really screw up?  I’m pretty sure we have all been there and hated it.