Ten Reasons Why Bad Texters Are Such Turnoffs (2)

4. I am wasting my charge on you

Welcome to the 21st century when my battery life runs out faster than your past relationship with that annoying ex (Sorry not sorry). Do me a favor and make the conversation interesting because I could be using my charge on you know, taking selfies?

3. Taking a year to reply

If you do not want to talk or you are busy, just say so. I get it. But, no need to post on Snapchat and Tweet while you do not reply to my texts. Also, use your read receipts at risk; Nobody likes to feel ignored.

2. Nothing much, you?

We are not in middle school…these are not the clichéd AIM chats. Honestly, you are probably doing something right now that is more than “nothing much.”bae


And to think I wanted to have a real conversation


1. Your boring reply

If I just used the effort to text you my whole life story, and you text me one (or two or even three) word(s), BUH BYE! Even if it wasn’t my life story, could you be a little less boring?

If you are a bad texter, we still love you (maybe). But, try to have a little, you know — more spunk?


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