The 10 Stages of Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume (4)

4. Trying on costumes. You may have already decided what you want to be for Halloween, but sometimes you may try the costume on and realize it’s not exactly what you were hoping for. Some stores may have different versions of the same idea, so you can always try on more than one, but if you decide that it just isn’t the look for you then you can either start looking for stuff you can piece together yourself, or you can change your idea all together. On the other hand, if you decide you love the one that you’ve tried on then it’s time to move on to the next step!


3. Finding the perfect accessories and makeup to go with your costume. Now that you’ve finally found the perfect outfit you know it’s time to find all the right accessories. If you’re going to be a vampire then having just a cape won’t do – you need the vampire teeth. You also need to have killer costume makeup (pun intended) – you can’t be a vampire without blood dripping from the corners of your mouth. This may be the most time consuming part of your entire costume, but the effort you put into your accessories and makeup will really pull your costume together and help you convince people that it isn’t just a costume.




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