The 10 Worst Types Of Drivers That You Simply Can’t Stand (2)

5. The Tailgater

We referenced this particular breed of bad driver in our post about how to avoid getting a speeding ticket, but it’s worth another mention. When in doubt, bro: Back. Up. (Plus, if you rear-end someone, it’s almost always your fault in the eyes of the law—and your car insurance company!)


4. The Scaredy Cat

Yes, sometimes you get on the road and feel surrounded by allofthecars, but no, panicking isn’t the answer. Have courage! Stay strong! We believe in you and your jalopy.


3. The Grumpy Infuriated Cat.

Dude, we know you had a hard day. Maybe, just maybe, your day was so bad that you even deserve to take it out on somebody. But please, let’s not bring bajillion-pound death machines into the picture, OK?


2. The “Guess My Next Move!” Trickster

Turning without signaling first is like peeing in the pool: You can get away with it, but that doesn’t make it right, and doesn’t mean it won’t affect those around you. Be kind, use a signal. (And avoid this.)


1. The Texter.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Leave your phone alone. You are not better than everyone else at texting and driving; nor is what you have to say more important. We see you sitting at that green stoplight, and we’re terrified that you’re allowed on the road at all. Seriously, #itcanwait.


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