The 18 Stages Of Being A Lazy College Student (3)

10. The “never sleeping” stage.

Mom’s also not here to tell you to go to bed because you have a big, important day tomorrow.  I bet you didn’t know there was such a thing as being too lazy to go to bed, but there is.

9. The “video games are more important than studying” stage.

This is when you’ve been sitting in your gaming chair for so long, you’re practically melted into it.  When was the last time you went to class?  No one knows.

When someone gets lazy with their social life, it usually takes this form.  Two people who are dating become connected at the hip and never go anywhere without each other.  Raise your hand if you’ve lost at least one friend to this form of laziness.


8. The “just doesn’t give a crap” stage.

This one can also be a difficult hole to get out of, but for some people it’s just a fleeting phase that comes during a time of great frustration.  When you’re overwhelmed, sometimes the easiest defense mechanism is to hide behind the wall of I-don’t-even-care.  Just get out from behind it as soon as you can.

7. The “overconfident” stage.

After a particularly good semester or even after a particularly good grade on a test, you can get lazy because you’re overly confident in your abilities.  You stop studying because you think you don’t need to, and before you know it, you’re screwed.

6. The “March Madness” stage.

Someone should do a study to find out how much grades plummet in colleges nationwide during the NCAA basketball tournament.  There are so many games to watch, who could possibly have time to work on school?

5. The “what am I even doing here” stage.

Is this major what you really want to do with you’re life?  Is college really where you want to be right now?  A minor existential crisis is almost inevitable at some point, but it can really have a negative effect on your schoolwork since it makes your productivity go way down.


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