The 18 Stages Of Being A Lazy College Student (4)

4. The “it’s better to just drop the class” stage.

The point of no return when it comes to laziness is when you realize that you’ve done absolutely nothing all semester and you need to drop at least one class or you’ll fail and it will ruin your GPA and possibly put you on academic probation.  It’s the kind of laziness that’s so advanced, you have no choice but to throw up your hands and bite the bullet.

3. The “C’s get degrees” stage.

I like to call this stage “laziness in moderation.”  This is when you resolve to put forth the minimum effort in all your classes so that you can still be lazy without ruining your whole entire future.  It’s a fairly comfortable place to be.

2. The “senior slump” stage.

The last few months before graduation, seniors tend to become lazier than they’ve ever been before.  It’s only natural.  They’re exhausted and they’re done caring.  Or at least they would be done caring if they didn’t still have to pass this last round of finals.

1. The “finals scramble” stage.

This is when laziness turns into desperation.  You’re out of practice from a whole semester of doing almost nothing, but now you’re forced to make up for all those lazy days right now.  It’s going to be hell, so good luck.


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