The Best Friend Commandments (2)

5) Always keep an extra toothbrush at my house.

I’m sick of giving you gum after sleepovers—save us both the trouble.

4) Never get angry at my honesty.

When I promised to be your best friend, I promised that I wouldn’t lie to you—so never hold that against me. Even when it’s brutal and even when you don’t want to hear it, I’m going to tell you because I care.

3) Never put down my dreams and accomplishments.

It’s hard to tell someone your deepest and wildest dreams: I’m telling you because I trust you. Never mock my choices or tell me that I’m stupid. Always lift me up instead of put me down.

2) Always play devil’s advocate.

Let me understand all sides. Strong friendships are friendships that help you grow, not friendships that allow you to wallow.

1) Always love me, even when I’m not very loveable.

We all have our faults, and I know that I have enough for the both of us. But your support and love in moments that I’m not my best are moments that I’ll always thank you for.

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