The Emotions Dog People Go Through When They See A Puppy (2)

5. Indecision

Maybe I should just go pet the puppy.  Look at its little face, it NEEDS me to pet it.  I would just be doing my job as a non-terrible person.

4. Contemplation

To pet the puppy, or not to pet the puppy, that is the question.

3. Insecurity

What if the dog doesn’t like me?  What if the owner thinks I’m crazy and won’t let me pet their dog?  What if I pet the dog wrong or get its name wrong or screw up somehow and everyone laughs at me?  What if???

2. Bravery

twins tough threaten tv fight

Get it together, man.  You are going to go pet that puppy, and you are going to LIKE IT.  You have been staring at this puppy for a good five minutes now and its time to assure the owner you are not a crazy person, just a completely normal, completely obsessed with dogs person.

1. Joy

PUPPY HUGS AND PUPPY BREATH ARE EVERYTHING.  Petting this dog is everything you, a dog person, have ever needed and so much more.  Better yet, the owner only stared at you funny for the first five minutes you were hugging their dog.  Hashtag blessed.

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